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For thousands of years, Israel has lied at the center of blessing, cursing, contention, and perplexity. No other nation finds itself so disposed to such difficulties of these four significant kinds; Spiritually, Prophetically, Geographically, and Economically. These place a measure of influence upon the world that no nation on earth, past, present, or future holds. She has also been the subject of declarations by countries to destroy her. You might ask why? The answer traces back to those four perplexities of Israel's design and purpose. What happens when a nation comes to its end?


    Take the Babylonian Empire, the Persian Empire, the Greek Empire, and one of the most significant and most enduring, the Roman Empire. They never returned to their former self. For most nations, previous heights are merely reference points in history. Israel's history, on the other hand, always looks forward rather than to the past. When Israel is attacked, or her borders breached, or her people experience exile, she rises from the ashes and returns. She is smaller than most, yet she becomes more robust. When she is weakened, it is temporary. If her people are scattered, they prosper where they reside. Here is the reason God chose Israel and the Jewish people to endure forever. He called them the Apple of His eye.[1] She is a nation subject to restoration, and the fulfillment of prophecy, and the subject of revival.


    You see, from the beginning, Israel and the Jewish people were destined to be. Genesis 12:3 states of Abraham and his seed and including the land that would become the Promised Land for them; "those that bless the will be blessed, and those that curse they will be cursed."

There you have it! These few irrevocable words would forever haunt them or bless them—and those same words would either haunt the world or bless the world as well. It is here that we lay down 12 distinctions of Israel.


For more foundation, we begin in the Old Testament, where we learn of Israel's genesis, wanderings, and individual and often intimate relationship with God. In the New Testament, we witness her final victory simultaneously with the age's culmination, and the Messianic Kingdom begins upon Messiah's return. No other nation as Israel holds such a clear and distinct role in the future that endures from the first chapter of the Bible to the last. Israel is the only nation with such a well-defined prophetic lot in the Scriptures, and though many other countries have risen and fallen (something that the United States is not immune to), Israel will endure to the end of days.


    At the same time, no other geography as Israel has been fought over for no financial gain. Up until recent history, Israel has had no natural gas or potential oil. More, half of its landmass is a desert when it comes to the idea of distinction. Biblically speaking, many cite that the Jew is not dissimilar from the Gentile, nor Israel from the nations. Often this is based on the New Covenant doctrine that states there is no difference between the Jew or Gentile, Israel, and the governments, as seen in Galatians 3:28[2] and Colossians 3:11.[3] But excluding such principles as salvation, grace, and sanctification, a vast difference does exist between Jew and Gentile, Israel, and the nations. Such universality on Israel flies in the face of a wide-ranging mention of the Jew and Israel in Scripture.

    Start from Genesis and end with Revelation, and you find Israel mentioned over 1600 times. This fact is a principle called the law of "repetition," which alone brings forth uniqueness. It is the same principle by which God repeats some truth or subject that is already given but provides details not given before; it is called the law Recurrence. It does not cease here. Israel is a tipping point by which other events depend upon. In 1948, the world's attention was on the Jew's miraculous return to the land following their dispersion in 70 AD. Although immediately following her independence in 1948, wars and struggles followed, Israel's rebirth remains one of our modern time's essential indexical events and a pre-condition to other prophetic fulfillments. But consider the extraordinary future that awaits Israel and her distinctiveness before we break down Israel's twelve distinctions further.

1. Israel will become the world's threshing floor when every nation and tongue come to worship the King of Kings (Zechariah 14,16).

2. Israel will be the place of the future seat of power when the Lion of Judah

establishes His Throne in Jerusalem (Isaiah 9:6-7; 66:1; Psalms 122).
3. Israel will be the center of worldwide convocations as the nation's come to Jerusalem for the Millennial feasts (see the last chapter of Zechariah).

4. Israel will no longer be disfavored by the nations, but worldwide favor will be bestowed upon her ((Deuteronomy 15:6; 28:12; Zechariah 8:23).

5. Israel will be the place where God finally purifies the north's nations (Russia) as she is destroyed upon Israel's mountains (Ezekiel 38, 39).

6. Israel is the only nation that possesses the blessing and cursing doctrine; no other nation, and people, as the Jewish people, remains the cause and effect of blessing or cursing according to Genesis 12:3. It states, "those that bless the Jew will be blessed, and those that curse the Jew will be cursed." Can another nation claim this distinction? No! As some have presumed, to uproot Israel would dislodge the cog that holds the wheel on its axle. To be sure, prophecy cannot roll forward without her.

     In sum, Israel holds perpetuity and exclusivity. Causatively, she remains the source of world tensions as well as a blessing. No other geography is the source of worldwide tensions as the Temple Mount. It remains a hot-bed for political dialogue, a fireball causative of war and violence, and a stumbling block for nations. With all of this distinctiveness, rarely is Israel celebrated. Israel is tolerated at best. Unquestionably, few nations are aware of how their destinies are intertwined with Israel. Let's break down these points further to discover the broad elements of Israel's distinctiveness and why Israel will endure forever.

                  DISTINCTION ONE:


In this first distinction, we discover Election's law, which explains Israel's survival better than any human reasoning can offer. Fundamentally, it is based upon the fact that everything has a particular purpose, coupled with a divine plan to bring forth the will of our Creator. This principle can apply to one individually, corporately, and with Israel. Mostly, nothing is created randomly or out of chaos. Everything has a purpose and design. If you notice, these two characteristics makeup distinction and separates all aspects of creation. It speaks to the Law of Separation, and a parallel, the Law of Distinction. Furthermore, "Purpose" links the principles of Election, Distinction, and Separation together. One is the result of the other.



     There is a distinction between day and night. The seventh day of the week, Sabbath, is distinct from all other days. Money has a difference as the tithe is separated from all additional money. Nations and geographies all possess God-given distinctions. This principle also defines the family of God; we are to be a people separated from all other people (I Peter 2:9). With this principle in mind, consider that Israel and the Jewish people were forged for separation. Not only did this guarantee that she would be a distinct people and a unique nation, but it also assured that she would become a point of contention in the world; separation and distinction often breed contention and competition.


     When it comes to Israel, her unique calling is first found in Deuteronomy 7: 6. "For you are a people holy to the Lord your God. The Lord, your God, has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth. You are to be his people, his treasured possession.[I] " Looking further, we find that God selected Israel not because of her strength, size, or might.[ii] In fact, she was the smallest and the weakest of people groups. Still, Israel was chosen, also called the elected of God. This unique relationship that Israel has with God makes Israel formidable. Longer than anyone can remember, there has been this nation, Israel, resting over the body of Christ and the world. We find the same uniqueness in the second portion of Scripture, but his time in the New Testament. There Jewish calling is spoken of as the irrevocable calling Romans 11:29. God's choosing of Israel then is simply and profoundly based upon divine "calling" and "election," as we have discussed.[iii] For this reason alone, Israel has remained in the pupil of God's eye, and forever He will watch over them. However, should we stop at this principle of separation and Election, one would miss a full picture of God's choosing of Israel to the Jewish people's final place in the world.

                   DISTINCTION TWO;

                   "ISRAEL'S  SUPERNATURAL BIRTH"

The second distinction that we can see between Israel and all other nations in the manner of her birth. In 1948 following two thousand years of wandering, Israel was born. Interestingly, Abraham was born in 1948 BC. But Israel came into being thousands of years before their independence in 1948 through the Abrahamic Covenant. Its details are in Genesis 15-17.

As noted, Israel was born through the Abrahamic Covenant when God first came to Abram, who later became Abraham. God then advanced the nation from Abraham to Isaac, then to his son Jacob, and to his twelve sons, which became known as the twelve tribes of Israel.

     However, no other nation was born out of such unusual circumstances. Other nations came out of human conquest, imperialism, power, land expansion, and seeking religious freedom as the United States. Not so with Israel. She was born out of the crucible of divine intent—God came to a man, Abraham, and God began to form a nation. When God covenanted with Abraham, Abraham already had a son, Ishmael, born thirteen years earlier. Abraham's reaction is often overlooked; "If only Ishmael would live before You!" (Genesis17: 18). Abraham seems to imply that he wanted Ishmael to perpetuate his special relationship with God. But God states, "my covenant I shall establish with Isaac." God affirms to Abraham that only Isaac, the son you will have with Sarah, can be your true heir.  Immediately between Ishmael and Isaac, we see the principles of distinction, separation, and Election once again. We also discover the strife that follows when one is called over the other. Consider the following:

1. Ishmael came into the world by natural means, while Isaac came through a supernatural event... Sarah, if you recall, was well beyond childbearing years. (Genesis 18:11; Hebrews 11:11).

2. Ishmael was circumcised at the age of thirteen (Genesis 17:25), the age of daat (awareness). Isaac, on the other hand, was circumcised as an eight-day-old infant when a person is not even aware of what is taking place, much less of its significance (Genesis 21:4).

3. Ishmael represents a natural relationship, one based on a person's nature and understanding. The relationship of Isaac to Abraham and God's purpose then is based solely upon a supernatural bond.

Wars and Rumors of Wars

It follows that Israel was to become a distinct nation marked by the supernatural. It also follows that war would rage around her as a people and the purpose of her Election. For this reason, her history has been shaped by the supernatural. Her past wars have been over something larger than politics, wealth, or geography. Few, if any, have been over the worship of the One True God as with Israel. After all, it will become the worldwide worship center when Yeshua our Messiah returns to set up His Throne in Jerusalem. Consider this brief list of remembrances founded upon a demonic enemy seeking to rob the people of God from the worship of the One True God.


  • Purim celebrates Haman's attempt to destroy the Jew and their worship, and it failed.

  • Passover is one of the major Festivals that marks the time of Jewish deliverance from Egypt when Pharaoh sought to destroy the Jew, and it failed.

  • Hanukah was the time Antiochus attempted to kill the Jew and their worship, and it failed.

  • Holocaust Remembrance Day remembers Hitler's "final solution" to destroy all of the European Jewry, their houses of worship, Torah Scrolls, and their way of life, and it also failed. Let it be said, again and again; Israel was wired for the supernatural from birth.

                  DISTINCTION THREE:

                  "ISRAEL, A PRIESTLY NATION"

Distinction three brings forward the idea that God's purpose for Israel was to be a holy nation. Dennis Prager and Joseph Telushkin write in "Why The Jews" explains so eloquently Jewish calling: Judaism's fundamental and vital component of uniqueness asserts that the "One True God" revealed Himself to the Jew. He is the "One" God of all the world. For all other nations, no other god is being worshipped. All others are false. Israel then was given a mission to propagate the principles of belief and The One True God's relationship. This again is something that no other nation can claim in their history.

    We also learn that Israel was "a kingdom of priests and a holy nation" (Exodus 19:6). Through Israel, nations were to see that when Israel obeyed God, they were blessed. When they disobeyed God, they were punished (Deuteronomy 28). A special note needs to be made here: While many would wrongly maintain that Israel forfeited both this particular bond and calling upon their rejection of their Messiah, the bond between them and God is unbroken, and their calling is irrevocable. All of God's original design about Israel and the Jewish people will be restored in the future.

                DISTINCTION FOUR: 

               "DIVINE PROVIDENCE"

This fourth distinction recognizes how Israel came into being by divine providence. Out of all other nations, Israel alone was called forth by the One True God, as noted in distinction two. But He also brings forth divinely called people to advance His will as recorded in Hebrews 11.

For instance, Abraham was chosen to begin Jewish history; Moses was selected to bring the Israelites out of Egyptian bondage, then to Sinai and the Promised Land's borders; Joshua was chosen to lead them finally into the Promised Land.

     However, Theodor Herzl (1860-1909), though he was a non-biblical figure in history, God raised him to fulfill prophecy. Herzl is the founder of modern-day Zionism, which became the return path for the Jewish people back to the Promised Land following two thousand years of wandering. What happened since Israel's inception, and what took place between Abraham and God? Well, many wars, difficulties, and tumult with the nations followed. But in the end, and according to prophecy, the Jewish people's resettlement in 1948 was as much Jewish as it was God. This last statement may seem obvious, but it is good to recall the supernatural once again in God's dealings with Israel.

   First: It was Jewish because they are particular people for God's purpose, and they are tethered to the land like no other. In the words of Rabbi Hayim Halevy Donin, "It is a land possessed by not only the right of conquest and settlement but also a fulfillment of history, faith, and law."

   Second: Even though the Jewish people have struggled and contended for the land as Joshua did for the Promised Land, God orchestrated every detail of their return as He did with Moses when he delivered the Israelites out of Egypt. Regardless of their historical plight or their modern-day struggles, their city Jerusalem, is sure to shine again.[iv] Jacob's tents will be restored, and the millennial palace of our Lord will sit in its proper place. One may quibble about the extent and pervasiveness of Jewish suffering and their supernatural survival. Their ultimate and miraculous return to the Promised Land is something that no one can deny. The fact is, Israel will remain an energizing force of much prophetic significance.


The Covenant, or bond cementing Jewish people to God, was made with Abraham, his sons, and all future generations. It entailed the Abrahamic agreement and the Land Covenant, Davidic Covenant, and yes, even the New Covenant.[v] For this reason alone, no other people have been at the center of such a spiritual, geopolitical, and historic battle. An accurate picture of Israel's relationship to the nations can be seen in her and her historical enemy Aram (Syria); it is compared to water and fire. A prophecy concerning Damascus states, "Woe to the roar of the many nations who are tumultuous as the seas that roar" (Yeshayahu – Isaiah 17:12).

    The second passage is in Obadiah, where the Jewish people are compared to fire, "The House of Yaakov be fire" (Obadiah 1:18). This simple analogy points to a well-known biblical fact: The Jewish people were to be the fire and light to the world and spread the light of the One True God along with His kingdom principles. But like water that extinguishes fire, nations have demonstrated countless attempts to smother the Jew and extinguish the flame.

Harsh as this may sound, history has blood-stained her walls with centuries of anti-Semitic acts, and little has been left in the dark imaginations of man concerning historical anti-Semitism.


Still, the Jewish people demonstrate this rare ability to emerge from tyranny and social

injustice. There is an unrelenting chutzpa (courage) seen in them as they face their most significant and strongest foes. This chutzpa was demonstrated in 2015, when the leader of this tiny nation, Israel, stood proudly and confidently before the Congress of the United States reaffirming their conviction and commitment to remain free and stood undeterred to defend themselves. Few today have the chutzpa of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel.

To the natural mind, it is a mystery that Israel has withstood wars by Arab nations totaling millions of people and nations whose landmasses are in the millions of square miles. It testifies to this principle of distinction. Repeatedly, Israel confounds the experts, and she continues to rise higher politically, financially, and militarily.

    For the spiritually discerning and any serious Bible student, no conflict or mystery is found here. According to God's Word, Israel will forever confound the experts. Always, Israel will grow stronger and more self-sufficient. Consequently, few nations can match Israel's relentless drive to survive. One can review a list of Jewish accomplishments in Restoring the Ancient Paths by Rabbi Felix and capture the extraordinary advances that the Jewish people have made in every social sector.

                  DISTINCTION FIVE:  

                 "THE FUTURE KINGDOM"

Understanding the doctrinal difference between the "Kingdom of Heaven" and the "Kingdom of God" exposes God's complete timeline of prophetic history—past, present, and future. This understanding is essential. Without the proper distinction being made, God's plan for the Jewish people suffers once again from flawed interpretative reasoning that wipes away her Election, calling, and future. This fifth distinction takes us into the future. Thou, the ancient Israelites, went into captivity for their sins and lost their national prominence. Many have long wondered of her future. But God chose Israel for a bright and enduring future that is yet to unfold. As noted earlier, Israel is a nation that will never fade from history.

    This calling has a specific purpose that is often misunderstood. The reason is found in the fact that their calling is postured in the Messianic Kingdom to come. Yet, the contention over it and around it has endured throughout history. Only in the future Kingdom to come on earth, God restores Israel to a leadership position in the world,[vi] then a redeemed people, Israel, will take their leadership role as God intended for her. Here are more details of this time.


In the future Kingdom on earth, the world will finally witness the Jewish people's full possession and resettlement within its original borders of the Promised Land. This future is called the Messianic Kingdom. When King David and his son Solomon reigned over it, the Promised Land's original borders totaled 60,000 square miles. Following historical and Biblical events and modern-day political pacts, pressures, and wars, Israel today is a mere 10,000 square miles, roughly New Jersey's size.

   Still, when the Kingdom arrives (the Millennial Reign of Messiah), Israel's borders will enlarge back to God's original design, then subdivided into the twelve tribes of Israel, which was God's original blueprint. Always, the principle of distinction is part of God's blueprint. This Kingdom to come is a restorative period when all that has been lost will return. Only at the end of this 1000 thousand-year period does man enter into a "new" time when the new heavens and earth come forth (Revelation 21; Isaiah 65:17). As this Kingdom takes hold, God will lift the corruption that has been upon the whole of creation. His promises that were given to the Jewish people will fully be restored, and the Kingdom will bring the entire world to the knowledge of God. Then, from the bodily resurrection of all men (Jew and Gentile,) the center of Messiah's Throne will be completed in Jerusalem.


In the future Kingdom, Israel finally finds her rest. She becomes head of the nations and steps into her final phase called the Irrevocable Call in Romans 11:29. At the same time, the nations of the earth will finally discover the reason for the spiritual battle that has raged throughout the ages of Israel's existence (Deuteronomy 28:13). As Yeshua begins to establish God's original design, King David will return. He will not reign as king, but he will serve as a prince over Israel under King's King. [vii] The twelve apostles will be resurrected in an end-time reign over the twelve tribes of Israel (Matthew 19:28). Many judges and counselors in Israel will be raised to serve during this time, according to Isaiah 1:26. And finally, Zerubbabel, the post-exilic governor of Judah, will be placed in some unnamed position in Israel (Haggai 2:23), as gentile kings rule gentile nations.

    In fact, if one were to eliminate the Jew and Israel, the Kingdom of Heaven that we pray for in the Lord's prayer would be in vain, and somebody couldn't complete the Messianic Kingdom. Israel highlights this particular distinction as none other. Within this construct of purpose and design, the calling and Election of the Jewish

people and Israel find their distinction from all other people (Matthew 6:9-13).

                      DISTINCTION SIX: 

                      "THE WIFE OF JEHOVAH"

Passionate and enduring, and filled with intimate language, the Bible presents Israel as the Wife of Jehovah.[viii]Here is found a unique relationship to God that no other nation can claim.

Although Israel is going through a relationship with God, a courtship, marriage, separation, and divorce are restored to her Husband in the end.[ix] The language that describes these stages is poignant at every step. It is essential to clarify that the wife of Jehovah is distinct from the Bride of Christ in the New Testament. All Gentiles and Jews that accept Yeshua make up the Bride of Christ during this New Covenant age. Still, Israel remains the wayward wife of Jehovah, awaiting restoration to her Husband and remains distinct from the Bride of Christ now and in the prophetic fulfillment.


When it comes to Israel's relationship with the nations, consider the following:

1. No other country besides Israel was to be a servant and priest to the nations (Genesis 12: 1- 3; John 3:16is 12: 1-3; John 3:16). They have a servant, a priestly role to the world.

2. No other nation as Israel was told that if nations bless them, they would be blessed, and if they curse them, they would be cursed. (Isaiah 42:6; Genesis 12:3). Israel is the only nation that holds such a key to blessing and cursing? The answer is none!

                       DISTINCTION SEVEN:

                       "THE LAND IS MINE"

While all other nations own their land, Israel is the only country and geography on earth that no one owns. Again, this is a distinction from all other nations on earth. To be exact, God holds Israel and no other. Israel was given to the Jewish people through the Covenant that God made with Abraham. His seed was to become the Chosen Stewards of the Promised Land until Messiah's return. But it will always remain the Promised Land where the Jewish people were called of God to dwell.

The famous thirteenth-century Exegete and biblical scholar, Moses Nachmanides, interprets the phrase, "For the land is mine" in Leviticus 25:23, "Here God is speaking to Israel through Moses: "You are but strangers’ residents with me." Two other translations convey the same idea, "The land must not be sold because the land is mine and you are but aliens, and my tenants" (TNIV). "And remember, the land is mine, so you may not sell it permanently. You are merely My tenants and sharecroppers" (NLT). It shows that no one can own the Holy Land other than God and that He holds the inalienable rights or the deed. The Jewish people hold unalienable rights or the tenant contract.


    Consequently, no nation on earth has a claim to it. Something should also be added here. Israel does not possess the right to sell off any portion of the land that God gave to them. So, when the United States and other nations pressure Israel to divide the land, they violate God's inalienable rights, along with Israel's unalienable rights as "the chosen stewards." This is a volatile mix for nations that will never turn out well. It will always bring cursing and prolonged difficulties.     Recall the following.God gave no other nation a specific land that He called His own. No other country as Israel was told that their land would be the place that Yeshua would return to. Only the Jewish people can trace their birth, history, purpose, and future, to their Promised Land occupation (Genesis 15:18-21; 28:13; Exodus 23:31).

                          DISTINCTION EIGHT:

                        " A DISTINCT IDENTITY"

In the Scripture, the Jewish people are described in many ways that set them apart from the nations. They are called "God's First-Born Son" (Exodus 4:22-23), the "Apple Of His Eye" (Proverbs 7:2; Zechariah 2:8; Psalm 17:8), "His Chosen People" (Deut. 7:6-9). "My Called" (Isaiah 48: 12), and "a Peculiar Treasure" (Exodus 19:5). "Now, therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine."This area of distinction does not cease here. The following was noted in our introduction and is worthy of mention again.

a. No other nation was given the Covenant of circumcision as a means to make a physical distinction between them and the nations. (Genesis 17; Acts 7:8).

b. No Other Nation other than Israel will be the international gathering place to worship the Lord (Zechariah 14:16; Isaiah 66 18; Revelation 7:9, 5:9).

c. No other nation other than Israel will be the resting place where the Throne of Yeshua, the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, will reside (Jeremiah 3:17).

                        DISTINCTION NINE:

                       "CARRIERS OF THE MESSIANIC SEED"

The greatest of all distinctions remain God's choosing of the Jewish people to be the Messianic seed's progenitor. God chose the nation of Israel, Judah's tribe, over all other people on the earth to be His special people and their line through which Jesus Christ the Jewish Messiah would be born. God first promised the Messiah after Adam and Eve's fall into sin (Genesis chapter 3). Then God confirmed that the Messiah would come from the line of David.[x] For this, the Apostle Paul tells the Gentile Christian world that they should appreciate this blessing that befell them by sharing their material blessings (Romans 15:27). In other words, from the Jewish rejection of the Messiah, a debt of gratitude should be felt on the part of Gentiles, and in turn, they should bless the Jewish people.

                     DISTINCTION TEN

In the book of Revelation, chapter 7, many of those who were sealed, 144,000, came from Israel's twelve tribes. In verse 9 of the same chapter, an innumerable host is identified as coming out of the Great Tribulation; every nation and tongue is standing before the Throne.

It has long been interpreted that these 144,000 are the latter-day Jewish evangelists that bring about a great end-time revival of souls; the fruit of their labor is the "great multitude that no one can count." Hence, the Jewish people bring about the end-time revival before the Second Coming of Messiah.

                        DISTINCTION ELEVEN:

                        "KEY TO THE SECOND COMING"

In Matthew 23: 37-39, some of the most passionate words of our Lord are spoken towards the very end of His ministry:

"Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing. "He states a tragic consequence, "For I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord."

It is only upon Israel's recognition of their Messiah, whom they have pierced, that the return of the Lord will occur.[xi] Consequently, the Jewish people and Israel's salvation is key to the Second Coming of Messiah.

                     DISTINCTION TWELVE:

                     WHO ENTERS THE KINGDOM?


A future judgment occurs in the Valley of Jehoshaphat in Matthew 25 and remains specific to the Jewish people. This passage is often misquoted and used to impart a heart for the poor and the needy. But this future event takes place upon Yeshua's return before entering the Kingdom of Heaven or the Messianic age. Those according to the flesh and natural seed of Abraham are Yeshua's brethren, the Jewish people. Throughout the book of Acts, Paul addresses his Jewish brothers 45 times. In almost every instance, he is speaking to a Jewish audience and His Jewish brethren.

      We should note, salvation is first and always in the belief in Yeshua. But this latter group (the goat gentiles) are merely damning evidence of their allegiance to the anti-Christ. For this reason, they join in the most horrific persecution of the Jewish people ever in human history. Keep in mind, and the Goat gentiles forfeit their entrance into the Messianic Kingdom while the sheep Gentiles enter the Messianic Kingdom!


To conclude, no one can reason away the supernatural and the incredible history of the Jewish people and Israel. No reasoning can explain how she has survived both as a people and nation. Equally, no serious Bible student can escape what God has knitted into the Scriptures regarding His plan for Israel and the Jewish people. In fact, "the" pretext for end-time fulfillment before our Lord returns, and the foundation upon which the future Kingdom is built.  Surely, no other nation as Israel holds such extraordinary qualities. Throughout the Scriptures, God reveals His close and intimate involvement with Israel from her conception and to her final fulfilling days of the Messianic Kingdom. Israel will endure forever!


Genesis 12:3, Exodus 4:22; 19:5-6, Deuteronomy 7:7, 6,Deuteronomy 28, 32:10; Isaiah 11:12; 14:1- 2; 42:16; 48:12 Zechariah 2:8; 12:10; 14:16; Jeremiah 31:31-34; 39:9; 3:6-10; 23:5-6; 2 Samuel 7:10-13; I Chronicles 17:11-14; Daniel 12:9-13; Isaiah 1:26; 50:1,54; Ezekiel 16:8; 16:35-43; 45:8; Hosea 5:15; 2-5; 14-23; Isaiah 50:1, 54: Psalm 17:8; 132:11;Proverbs 7:2; Romans 9:6; 11:29; Matthew 6:9; 8:18; 19:28; 23:37-39; 25:31-46; Luke 22:27-30; John 3:16;I Peter 2:9; Revelation 5:9; 17:9.


[1] Zechariah 2:8
[2] There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
[3] There is no Gentile or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all and is in all.

[i] Deuteronomy 7:6-7; Jeremiah 30:17.

[iii] Zechariah 2:8; 12:10; Deuteronomy 32:10; Romans 11:29; Matthew 8:18; 19:28; 23:37-39; Daniel 12:9-13; Isaiah 1:26; Ezekiel 45:8; Hosea 5:15

[iv] Isaiah 60:1; 20, 52:1
[v] Genesis 12-17; Deuteronomy 29 & 30: 1-10; 2 Samuel 7:10-13; I Chronicles 17:11-14; Jeremiah 31:31-34.
[vi] Isaiah 11:12; 14:1-2



[vii] Hosea 3:5; Jeremiah 30:9; Ezekiel 34:23-37; 24-25
[viii] Deuteronomy 5:1-3; Ezekiel 16:8, 43; 60-63; 15-34; Jeremiah 3:6-10; 31:1-5, 32; Hosea 2:2-5; 6- 13; Isaiah 50:1; 54:1-8; 62:4-5

[ix] Ezekiel 16:8; 16:35-43; Hosea 2-5; 14:23; Isaiah 50:1,54; Jeremiah 3:6-10;
[x] Genesis 12:1-3; Matthew 1:16; John 7:42; Psalm 132:11; 2 Samuel 7; Jeremiah 23:5-6

[xi] Zechariah 12:10; Hosea 5:15; Jeremiah 11:13


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