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Question: A question that a Jewish person might ask. I know that Yom Kippur is approaching, I understand that I need to seek forgiveness from others. How should I go about this? Should I contact everyone I know or make a public announcement on Facebook? Firstly: One doesn’t have to apologize to everyone you know, so there's no need to rack up your cellphone bill. But we are obligated to seek forgiveness from those individuals whom we are aware that we have harmed or offended. Yeshua said in I Corinthians 11:“ "For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes. 27Therefore, whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of sinning against the body and blood of the Lord. 28Each one must examine himself before he eats of the bread and drinks of the cup.… Question: Do you recall a time when people used to seek forgiveness if they had hurt someone before taking communion? I have a vivid memory of a day when someone would stand up and walk to the opposite end of the sanctuary to see repentance before receiving the sacrament of the Lord’s Body. In those days it was always encouraged that anyone who needed repentance should come forward and kneel near the altar to receive forgiveness and grace before taking communion. We had an "altar-call" during our worship service and those who wished to repent and be forgiven would come forward as part of the service. It was an important part of a believer's walk with the Lord and something that many of us practiced regularly. Question: How many similarities can you discover with the principles of the New Covenant Life? C - Confess without excuses. Be specific about what you are apologizing for . Avoid offering any form of excuse and refrain from using the word "but." O-Offer an apology that conveys your genuine remorse and your commitment to not repeating the same behavior. Be sincere and articulate in your apology. N - Note the pain experienced by the other person. Acknowledge that your actions were hurtful. F - Express your enduring value for the relationship and your desire to restore it, prioritizing it over your pride. E - Equalize by offering restitution. Ask how you can make amends for your actions. S - Promise "never again." Commit to not repeating the same behavior and genuinely mean it. S - Seek forgiveness. Directly ask the other person, "Can you forgive me?" Conclusion: Endeavor to mend fractured relationship before you participate in the upcoming communion service. This not only brings glory to Him, but also upholds the sanctity and dignity of the Lord’s body. During this season, let us pray for the Jewish community, that they may repent of their sins and open their hearts to welcome the King of Glory!~

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